The Paladin Crusade

The Paladin Crusade follows the adventures of Jovani Hammerlund, a character in the videogame Oblivion. Jovani is a self proclaimed Paladin, a holy warrior, in service of the god Arkay. His mission is to bring light where there is darkness in hopes of extinguishing the undead minions that now roam free in Tamriel. His adventures begin here.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Entry 17: Heartfire 10, 3E433

Here at Frostcrag Spire, I have been studying the many books that once comprised Jaleel’s library. Now…now it was my library. Among the collection, I found a book entitled, Modern Heretics. This book was a study on those who worship Daedric Lords. From what I have read thus far, the Daedric Lord will reward a powerful daedric artifact to one who finds favor with the demonic lord. Something would have to be done about these shrines and I vow to investigate them further at a later date.

But now, I have decided to make a pilgrimage to the Wayshrine of Arkay before resuming my quest to purge the land of vampires. I would need his blessing for such a massive undertaking. This pilgrimage will take many days and I must do this with nothing but my monk robes and a single dagger.

What will this mean for my journal? Only time will tell, but I hope dearest sister, that the following entries will be about how I have freed you from your cursed disease. Arkay willing.