The Paladin Crusade

The Paladin Crusade follows the adventures of Jovani Hammerlund, a character in the videogame Oblivion. Jovani is a self proclaimed Paladin, a holy warrior, in service of the god Arkay. His mission is to bring light where there is darkness in hopes of extinguishing the undead minions that now roam free in Tamriel. His adventures begin here.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Entry 8: Heartfire 2, 3E433

I am writing this brief entry from inside of the Bleaker’s Way Inn. Although it was a long day, not much has transpired. But here is what did happen:

Leaving Cloud Ruler Temple behind me, I traveled south by horseback until I reached the Oblivion gate that I previously passed by. Leaving my horse behind, I entered the gate. My hatred of the denizens of Oblivion was still fresh so I thoroughly traveled through the Oblivion plain and eliminated every single daedra that crossed my pass. This plane of Oblivion was very different from the plane that I entered at Kvatch. Surrounding the great tower, were eight smaller towers. I entered them all and found that each contained a switch that opened a set of large black gates outside. After several hours of sweating and cleaning my bloodied katana, I finally removed the Sigil stone from atop the great tower and closed the gate.

Standing outside of the closed gate, I realized that over eighteen hours had passed since when I first entered the gate. Weary from the long day, I traveled south and found the village of Bleaker’s Way. So here I am now, enjoying a well earned meal with some wine. I have much yet to do today so I better rest.