The Paladin Crusade

The Paladin Crusade follows the adventures of Jovani Hammerlund, a character in the videogame Oblivion. Jovani is a self proclaimed Paladin, a holy warrior, in service of the god Arkay. His mission is to bring light where there is darkness in hopes of extinguishing the undead minions that now roam free in Tamriel. His adventures begin here.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Entry 16: Heartfire 9, 3E433

I awoke eight hours later in the barracks of Cloud Ruler Temple and found a package, which had apparently been delivered by courier as I slept. I opened the package, finding a note, a key, and a sealed document. Upon reading the note, my heart was filled with grief. My Great-Grandfather, Jaleel, had died and he left me his tower, the Frostcrag Spire. The date on the note was over a year old! Why had news of Jaleel’s death taken so long to reach me?

Taking my leave, I left my horse behind at Cloud Ruler Temple and I set out to visit the spire. Traveling through the snowy Jerall Mountains proved to be difficult, but after a few hours time, the tower was within sight. Using the key provided to me, I entered. Inside, the tower was sealed shut. In the middle of the room was a large hand carved out of ice. And resting on the palm of that frozen hand was my great-grandfather’s journal.

As I read his memoirs of how he had come to build this grand tower, tears trickled from my eyes as I realized that the man who had raised me since I was just a lad, was now dead. After closing the memoirs, the great wall before me rumbled and slowly opened. The tower was empty, Jaleel’s effects gone. His journal mentioned that I would have to buy the items back from the caretaker, who was located in the Imperial City Market District.

But the problem with that was that I had little money right now, a mere 11,000 plus gold Septims. Regardless, I decided that I had to honor Jaleel’s memory. So, I left the Frostcrag Spire and continued south. I soon came across a group of people who seemed to be worshiping a statue. As I glimpsed what the statue was, I drew my blade. This was a daedric shrine in honor of Mephala.

I was tempted to kill the worshipers for blasphemy of the Nine Divines, but they appeared to be peaceful. Although they were misguided fools, I decided that I couldn’t just kill them. Leaving the shrine behind, I continued south until I reached the Red Ring Road.

With a few hours to spare before shops opened in the Imperial City Market District, I entered nearby Fort Chalman. Inside, the fort was infected with undead; perhaps the doing of the late Raelynn the Gravefinder. During my cleansing of the foul undead, I encountered an Orc adventurer who was seeking treasure. We parted ways on good terms and I left the fort.

I then went immediately to the Mystic Emporium in the Market District and bought all of Jaleel’s possessions back. I was left with a mere 5,000 gold and could not afford to buy the mallow candles for the magic altars. I would have to save enough gold to buy those later on.

During my journey back to the Frostcrag Spire, I came across yet another Daedric Shrine. I knew this shrine well, for it was the evil Namira. Having picked up the Book of Daedra earlier at the First Edition, I knew this Daedric Lord to be mischievious. And to think that these misguided cretons were worshiping such a demon! I would need to study these shrines later before I decided what to do.

Upon my return to Frostcrag Spire, I was happy to see that the tower was returned to its former glory. Even though I am no mage, I honor Jaleel still.