The Paladin Crusade

The Paladin Crusade follows the adventures of Jovani Hammerlund, a character in the videogame Oblivion. Jovani is a self proclaimed Paladin, a holy warrior, in service of the god Arkay. His mission is to bring light where there is darkness in hopes of extinguishing the undead minions that now roam free in Tamriel. His adventures begin here.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Entry 32: Frost Fall 5, 3E433

After a few hours of rest at the The All Saints Inn, I departed the Imperial City. After a few hours time, I arrived at the cabin. With my hand wrapped around the hilt of my blade, I entered. Inside, I found Roland Jenseric and immediately I took my hand off my blade. From his appearance, I could tell that Roland was not a vampire at all.

Roland went on to explain what happened the night that his girlfriend was murdered. Roland claimed that Seridur was a vampire and it was he who had fed on and murdered Relfina. After hearing this, I was shocked. I had been in the very presence of Seridur and had not noticed anything unusual about him.

I agreed to investigate Roland’s claim that Seridur was responsible for all of this, so I left the cabin and returned to the Imperial City. There I checked out a few locations that Roland had mentioned. After bribing Phintias, the proprietor of the First Edition, he told me that Seridur frequently visited a cemetery to pay his respects to a departed family member.

I asked about this cemetery and Phintias said that it was an underground cemetery located in a cave known as Memorial Cave, located to the east of the city along the shore of Lake Rumare. Leaving the city, I immediately ran there. Within an hour, I reached my destination.

Darkness had fallen now making this mission all the more dangerous. I entered the cave and found rats, several mutilated corpses, ghosts, Liches, and ten vampires. In the deepest recesses of the cave, I found Seridur waiting for me. I confronted him and he confessed to his wicked ways.

Even then, Seridur did not appear to be a vampire. And then I knew why that might have been. Many vampires are capable of being very persuasive and I may have been under his influence. But now—now I wasn’t. Now my eyes saw through the fog of lies and deceit.

Seridur made a feeble attempt to attack me, but I struck him down before the wicked High Elf even drew his sword. Seridur felt the sting of Arkay’s Spirited Will, an enchanted sword that I myself made.

With the vampires slain, I had to rest for I have again been infected with the disease Porphyric Hemophilia. Using a cure disease potion, I saved myself from the grip of vampirism. Having saved myself and cured my wounds, I returned to Roland’s cabin and informed him of Seridur’s demise.

Roland thanked me and asked that I return to meet with the Order as they wished to speak with me again. So I made my way back to the Imperial City where I met with the Order. I was made an official member of the Order and I was given an enchanted ring called the Ring of Sunfire.