The Paladin Crusade

The Paladin Crusade follows the adventures of Jovani Hammerlund, a character in the videogame Oblivion. Jovani is a self proclaimed Paladin, a holy warrior, in service of the god Arkay. His mission is to bring light where there is darkness in hopes of extinguishing the undead minions that now roam free in Tamriel. His adventures begin here.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Entry 3: Last Seed 28, 3E433

I am writing this entry inside of the Weynon Priory Chapel. It is nearly 2:00 PM now as I prepare to debark for the distant city of Kvatch. It would seem that the Nine Divines had called upon me and I have no choice but to please the gods. Let me explain.

At Wawnet Inn, I awoke screaming from a nightmare in a cold sweat. I realized that I was holding an iron dagger in my right hand. A knock came at the door and I assured the Inn Keeper that I was okay. It was nearly 1:00 AM now and I realized that I had overslept. I quickly gathered my things and put my iron armor on. As I was departing the Inn, an Imperial Legion Soldier looked suspiciously at me and I could not really blame him for that. Evil was spreading and it would seem that news of the royal assassination was spreading fast.

Cold rain pounded down on me as I proceeded west along the road towards my destination. Along the road, I was attacked by bandits and a highwayman, all seeking to murder and then rob me. These wicked crimes did not go unpunished and those criminals paid with their lives. I entered nearby Fort Ash, seeking the bandits’ hideout. How could I have been so wrong?

Fort Ash was overrun with goblins! I managed to dispatch them, but only just. Had it not been for Mara’s Gift, a powerful healing spell blessed to me by my birthsign, I would surely have died. I will need to be more careful from now on. Thankfully, I could feel my skills slowly returning and strength was returning to my limbs.

I arrived at Weynon Priory around 11:30 AM and was greeted by Brother Piner. He informed me that Jauffre was inside of the Priory house. Inside, I spoke with Brother Jauffre at great lengths about what had happened. I turned over the Amulet of Kings as the Emperor had asked of me and Jauffre informed me of Uriel’s last heir, a monk priest named Martin. As the Grandmaster of the Blades, Jauffre was privy to sensitive information and apparently the last remaining heir, was the illegitimate son of Uriel Septim.

As my fate was already entwined with these events, I agreed to go to Kvatch and escort Martin back to Weynon Priory. Once our conversation had ended, I rested for a few hours, meditating on what I had learned. And so it seemed that my search for my vampire sister would have to wait for now, for I had grave matters to attend to. Even though I had my own problems, the nation of Cyrodiil was in dire need of heroes.